3 Times to Have a Title Re-Establishment Survey

Posted on: 26 July 2022

Title re-establishment surveys help check land boundaries. They are also sometimes used when you need to make changes to land you own close to the boundaries of a neighbouring property.

When might you need to hire a surveyor for a re-establishment survey?

1. You're Buying or Selling a Property

People sometimes book re-establishment surveys before they buy a property. This is a sensible move if you're buying an older home.

Over the years, people might have encroached on property boundaries and changed them. For example, someone who owned your potential new home in the past might have put a fence in the wrong place. They might have accidentally lost some of their land or taken some of a neighbouring plot.

In some cases, people run a re-establishment survey when they sell a property. They want to make sure that boundaries are accurate and that there aren't any problems which might affect the sale.

A re-establishment survey double-checks boundaries for you. You find out if your current boundaries match your title documents.

2. You Want to Build Close to a Boundary

It's worth booking a re-establishment survey before you start any building work close to a boundary line with a neighbouring property. For example, this survey is useful if you are building an extension or installing new fencing. It helps avoid problems after the build with your neighbours.

For example, if you accidentally put fences on a neighbour's property or build an extension that goes over your boundary line, then your neighbour could complain. You might have to take the fencing down and install it again; you might have to pull parts of the extension down and rebuild it to put it in the right place.

A re-establishment survey gives you—and your neighbours—an accurate overview of your boundaries. You know exactly where you can and can't go. You won't make expensive mistakes.

3. You Have a Dispute With a Neighbour

Re-establishment surveys can help solve property disputes between neighbours. These disputes often arise before or after a new fencing installation.

For example, if you feel that your neighbour's planned fence will encroach on your property boundary, but they believe that it won't, then you might not be able to sort the problem out between you. Here, a surveyor can give you both an accurate judgement on your actual boundaries. You'll both know exactly where your legal boundaries lie.

To find out if you need a title re-establishment survey, ask local land surveyors for advice.    
